Sunday, February 3, 2013

Honors 351 Blogs and Stuff

Welcome. Please bookmark this blog. It's our home away from home in Honors 351.

Your blogs are linked on the list to the right ------------------------------------>>>>>>>

For this week:

1. Post on your blog--mimic the "mind mapping" we did in class on Friday. Try to "crack open" your research interest by breaking it into constituent parts (that is, moving from the general to the specific) OR figure out what fields of study and branches of inquiry might be connected to your research question or topic (moving from the specific, the micro, to issues, questions, and ideas that others find relevant, the macro).

2. Visit at least THREE of your classmates' blogs and respond to their ideas/post.

3. Stop by Craig Lee 353 to pick up the reading for class. The chapters delve into issues of forming research questions and thinking about research methods. Now is a good time for me to share this golden nugget of research with you: Your research methods FOLLOW your research question. You cannot know the methods until you know the question, which is why we'll be spending lots of time figuring out and honing our questions.

4. I will not be able to attend class next Friday (Feb 7), but that doesn't mean that you smart people cannot still have class without me. I wonder if you want to gather on Friday anyway, in our little crow's nest in Gaige 301, to do more of what we did together last Friday: using the white board to "think out loud" and to talk your way through your interests. As we saw on Friday, our Brain Trust is already quite a reliable think tank and helpful when it comes to divergent thinking and "sayback." Think it over and organize yourselves!